Application range of L-Glutathione Reduced - Knowledge

Application range of L-Glutathione Reduced

Mar 02, 2021 / Author: China Glutathione suppliers & NMN manufacturers

Glutathione has a broad-spectrum detoxification effect. It can be used not only as medicine, but also as a base material for functional foods. It is widely used in functional foods such as anti-aging, enhancing immunity,L-Glutathione Reduced and anti-tumor. Clinical drugs have artificially developed glutathione drugs,L-Glutathione Reduced which are widely used in clinics. In addition to using its sulfhydryl group to chelate heavy metals, fluoride, mustard gas and other toxins poisoning,L-Glutathione Reduced it is also used in hepatitis, hemolytic diseases, keratitis,L-Glutathione Reduced and cataracts. And retinal diseases, etc.L-Glutathione Reduced as a treatment or auxiliary treatment drugs. In recent years, Western scientists,L-Glutathione Reduced especially Japanese scholars, have discovered that glutathione has the function of suppressing HIV.

The latest research also shows that GSH can correct the imbalance of acetylcholine and cholinesterase, play an anti-allergic effect, can also prevent skin aging and pigmentation,L-Glutathione Reduced reduce the formation of melanin, improve the skin's antioxidant capacity and make the skin shiny, and L-Glutathione Reduced GSH also plays a very good role in treating corneal diseases and improving sexual function.

Combined with vitamin C, in addition,L-Glutathione Reduced vitamin C is also an important antioxidant in the body. Since vitamin C can be reversibly hydrogenated or dehydrogenated,L-Glutathione Reduced vitamin C plays an important role in many redox reactions in the body. For example,L-Glutathione Reduced the active group of many enzymes is sulfhydryl (-SH),L-Glutathione Reduced vitamin C can maintain -SH in a reduced state while maintaining enzyme activity;L-Glutathione Reduced vitamin C can convert oxidized glutathione into reduced glutathione (GSH ) To reduce hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) produced by the body's metabolism; vitamin C can also protect vitamins A,L-Glutathione Reduced E and certain B vitamins from oxidation. Therefore,L-Glutathione Reduced when glutathione is used, it can be used in combination with vitamin C to improve its efficacy.

Tag: L-Glutathione Reduced

Supplier Introduction: China glutathione supplier and NMN manufacturer GSHworld, the company mainly develops biotechnology and industrialization. As a global pioneer in enzymatic catalytic ATP regeneration technology, our company advocates green production and is committed to providing customers with better and more environmentally friendly products and services. Glutathione Manufacturer,NMN Factory,Citicoline Sodium supplier,China NMN manufacturers

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