Can supplementing NMN improve people's happiness? - Knowledge

Can supplementing NMN improve people's happiness?

May 17, 2022 / Author: China Glutathione suppliers & NMN manufacturers

In recent years, there have been more and more human clinical trials for NMN, and many feedbacks worthy of reference have been obtained. Recently, scientists conducted a randomized, parallel, double-blind, placebo-controlled human clinical trial of NMN. Among the middle-aged and elderly (40-65 years old), both men and women, NMN supplementation will increase NAD+ levels in blood cells, and the optimal oral dose is 600mg per day. Even when the oral dose was increased to 900 mg daily, it was safe and well tolerated.

The researchers randomly divided 80 subjects into four groups and received oral placebo, 300mg, 600mg and 900mg NMN for 60 days. Various indicators were measured at 30 days and 60 days, and objective indicators included blood cell NAD+ levels. , 6-minute walk test, HOMA-IR index and physiological age, the subjective index is SF-36 questionnaire.

Blood cell NAD+ levels

Blood cell NAD+ levels in the placebo group and the three NMN-supplemented groups

▲Blood cell NAD+ levels in the placebo group and the three NMN-supplemented groups

Compared with the placebo group, the NAD+ levels of blood cells in the 300mg, 600mg, and 900mg NMN supplementation groups were significantly increased. The NAD+ level in the 300mg NMN group increased by an average of 5% per day, while the 600mg NMN group This data is as high as more than 13%. As the dose continued to increase, the increasing trend of NAD+ levels in the 900mg NMN group slowed down, with an average daily increase of about 10%. This suggests that the 600mg dose is the optimal dose to increase blood cell NAD+ levels.

6 minute walk endurance test

6-minute walk endurance test in the placebo group and the three NMN-supplemented groups

6-minute walk endurance test in the placebo group and the three NMN-supplemented groups

The 6-minute walk endurance test is mainly to evaluate the endurance and physical strength of the human body. A previous study found that in middle-aged and elderly healthy people, the walking distance is generally between 380-732 meters, with an average of 571 meters, while the average walking distance of the placebo group here is only more than 300 meters, and the difference between the two values is large. From the results, the 300mg NMN supplementation group did not significantly improve endurance and physical strength, while the two groups supplemented with 600mg and 900mg NMN had significantly improved endurance and physical strength. One chip. Once again confirmed 600mg or the optimal dose of oral NMN.

SF-36 Questionnaire

SF-36 questionnaire scores in the placebo group and the three supplemented NMN groups

SF-36 questionnaire scores in the placebo group and the three supplemented NMN groups

The SF-36 questionnaire is a globally recognized method for assessing a person's quality of life (general well-being). From the results, the well-being of the groups supplemented with 300mg, 600mg, and 900mg of NMN was significantly improved at 60 days, and it was not dose-dependent. This shows that as long as NMN is supplemented for a long time (more than 60 days), no matter the dose, it can help us improve our well-being.


HOMA-IR index for the placebo group and the three NMN-supplemented groups

HOMA-IR index for the placebo group and the three NMN-supplemented groups

The HOMA-IR index is an index used to measure insulin resistance. The higher the index, the more severe the insulin resistance. Insulin resistance will reduce the efficiency of glucose uptake and utilization. The results showed that insulin resistance increased significantly in the placebo, 600mg, and 900mg NMN groups after 60, while the insulin resistance in the 300mg NMN supplementation group was almost unchanged.

Tag: NMN

Supplier Introduction: China glutathione supplier and NMN manufacturer GSHworld, the company mainly develops biotechnology and industrialization. As a global pioneer in enzymatic catalytic ATP regeneration technology, our company advocates green production and is committed to providing customers with better and more environmentally friendly products and services. Glutathione Manufacturer,NMN Factory,Citicoline Sodium supplier,China NMN manufacturers

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