Benefits of NMN drip therapy - Knowledge

Benefits of NMN drip therapy

Oct 23, 2024 / Author: China Glutathione suppliers & NMN manufacturers

NMN spotting therapy for β-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide
Activate sirtuin gene, improve body function, restore vitality

NMN therapy is a new generation of anti-aging therapy, and a study by Harvard Medical School found that it has a rejuvenating effect.

Recent studies have confirmed that NMN activates the sirtuin gene (longevity gene), which has received worldwide attention as a component associated with staying young and healthy.

The main effect of NMN

  • rejuvenate

  • Regain strength

  • Improve sleep quality

  • Estrogen rise

  • You breathe better during exercise

  • Improve skin

  • Mitochondrial activation

  • My head feels refreshed

  • Improve thinking and concentration

  • Increased metabolism

What is the Sirtuin gene?

Sirtuin genes are also known as "longevity genes," "longevity genes," and "rejuvenating genes," and their activation is said to extend an organism's lifespan.

When this gene is activated, new mitochondria are created within the cell to produce energy, old mitochondria and abnormal proteins in the cell are cleared, and new mitochondria are regenerated.

This effect has several positive effects, such as removal of reactive oxygen species, cell repair, burning of fat, prevention of age spots and wrinkles, prevention of arteriosclerosis and diabetes, and prevention of dementia and hearing loss.

Activate longevity genes that are normally dormant

The Sirtuin gene is usually inactive. The condition in which Sirtuin genes are activated is hunger.

The history of mankind is the history of the struggle against hunger. I believe the longevity gene is a program for surviving starvation.

In the current era of satiety, the components that activate the Sirtuin gene have been studied.

NMN is one of the components that activate longevity genes.

Activate longevity genes that are normally dormant

Activation of Sirtuin (longevity) gene by NMN infusion

To be young and healthy forever is everyone's wish. As we age, our skin and physical strength degrade and become less appropriate for our age.

So what causes aging?

Some genes are strongly associated with aging and longevity in humans. It is called the sirtuin gene.

Activation of this gene can restore vitality by improving body functions such as skin cells, strength and fatigue.

The NMN Drip is designed to activate this sirtuin gene to keep you young forever and live a healthy life.

What is NMN?

The official name of NMN is "nicotinamide mononucleotide". NMN is a vitamin-like substance that occurs naturally in the body.

As we age, our bodies produce less of it. It is thought that when NMN is reduced in the body, aging begins and physical and cognitive functions deteriorate.

A series of published studies have found that ingesting NMN causes dramatic changes in physical appearance and function, like turning back the hands of a clock, and it has gained worldwide attention as a "rejuvenating drug."


Foods that contain large amounts of NMN are edamame, broccoli, and cucumbers, but in the case of broccoli, if you try to consume 100 mg of NMN per day, you will need about 40 kg (about 2,000 bundles).

NMN can be effectively introduced into the body by intravenous drip.

Professor David Sinclair of Harvard Medical School has this to say about NMN:

NMN was given to mice at 22 months of age, equivalent to 60 years in humans. After a week, these mice had muscles comparable to those of 6-month-old mice. That's the equivalent of 20 human years.

That is to say, in just one week, he is 40 years younger.

No negative effects of NMN have been found. On the contrary, it is known to prevent eye disease, hearing loss, liver and heart disease.

When given to mice with liver cancer, the tumors disappeared. This may sound like a panacea, but it is a fact that has been proven in laboratories around the world.

NMN supplements NAD+, which decreases with age

The rejuvenating ingredient "NMN" is absorbed into the body and then transported to all corners of the body, where it is converted into a substance called "NAD+".

"NAD+" is found everywhere in the body, and studies have found that it can keep young and healthy by supporting the function of various enzymes responsible for energy rhythm and maintenance of body function.

NAD+ in the body begins to decline after reaching its peak in late adolescence. Once you reach your 40s, your skin will drop to half of its peak and lose the look of your youth.

With age, the level of NAD+ in the body declines

Aging is a natural human phenomenon

It is characterized by reduced mitochondrial energy production due to NAD+ depletion in multiple organs such as pancreas, skeletal muscle, liver, skin, adipose tissue, and brain.

In addition to decreased mitochondrial function, aging is also associated with biological changes such as DNA damage, cognitive impairment, and sirtuin gene inactivation, which can be repaired by NAD+. Decreased NAD levels have also been linked to age-related DNA damage.

It is well known that lack of NAD+ can not only lead to loss of youth, but also trigger diseases such as diabetes.

It has been suggested that taking NMN increases NAD+ and may suppress age-related diseases.

Impressions of patients receiving NMN infusion therapy

In clinics in Japan, we conducted questionnaires on patients who had actually received NMN infusions to understand their impressions.

  • Spots and wrinkles fade and feel your skin rejuvenated.

  • The skin becomes smooth.

  • You can get a good night's sleep and wake up in the morning feeling good.

  • Improved body movements and more confidence in my physical strength.

  • It improves concentration and productivity.

  • My eyesight became clear and I could see very clearly now.

  • Lost some weight.

  • Hands no longer rough, become shiny.

A disease for which a therapeutic effect is expected

Treatment method

Preparations containing NMN will be injected into the arm. The journey time is about 15 to 60 minutes.

Some effects can be seen with just one treatment, but if your goal is to stay healthy, prevent aging, restore fatigue, etc., you can continue to treat every 1 to 4 weeks to maintain the effect.

A disease for which a therapeutic effect is expected

Difference between NMN drops and NAD+ drops

NMN drip is the mainstream, but in Europe and the United States, it is popular to directly vaccinate NAD+ and convert NMN into the body "NAD+ drip".

NAD+ drops are more effective than NMN drops, which require a process to be converted into NAD+ in the body.

For those who want higher results, not just physical improvement, especially brain rejuvenation and cognitive function improvement, and have the time, I think NAD+ drip is a good choice.

NAD+ infusion takes longer to inject than NMN.

Tag: NMN , Benefits of NMN

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