NMN can play a role in aging at three ages - Knowledge

NMN can play a role in aging at three ages

Sep 12, 2024 / Author: China Glutathione suppliers & NMN manufacturers

Cliffside aging is generally thought to be particularly pronounced at three key ages: 34, 60 and 78. In these stages, the body's physiological function, metabolic capacity, cell regeneration capacity and other aspects will have a significant decline.

NMN can play a role in aging at three ages

As an important biomolecule, NMN can play a significant anti-aging role in these periods.

NMN plays a role in these cliff-like aging ages

1. Age 34

Improve skin and physical function: Around the age of 34, the reduction of skin collagen, relaxation and muscle loss become particularly obvious, and fine lines and spots gradually increase.

By increasing the level of NAD+ in the body, NMN can activate longevity gene proteins, such as Sirtuins family proteins, which play an important role in cell metabolism, DNA repair, antioxidant stress, etc., thereby improving skin elasticity and firmness, and slowing down the decline of physical function.

Enhance energy: NMN can also enhance the function of mitochondria, improve the efficiency of energy production, help maintain the normal metabolic and physiological functions of cells, so that people maintain strong energy.

2. Age 60

Delay aging: 60 years old is a sign of comprehensive aging stage, physical function and mentality have undergone significant changes.

By continuously increasing the level of NAD+, NMN can activate more longevity gene proteins to further repair damaged and aging mitochondria and DNA, thus effectively delaying the aging process and maintaining the internal and external youthful state.

Reduce the risk of disease: As you get older, the risk of diseases in middle and old age increases.

Through its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and DNA repair mechanisms, NMN can reduce the risk of a variety of middle-aged and elderly diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, etc.

3. 78 years old

Improve degenerative sexual health problems: at the age of 78, the reproductive capacity of cells is almost zero, and various diseases of old age such as stroke, Alzheimer's disease, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are coming.

Although NMN cannot completely reverse the aging process, it can improve the degenerative sexual health problems caused by aging through its various anti-aging mechanisms, such as enhancing vision, hearing, memory, improving sleep quality, maintaining various indicators of the body, and reducing the harm to the body from various old-age diseases.

Tag: nmn

Supplier Introduction: China glutathione supplier and NMN manufacturer GSHworld, the company mainly develops biotechnology and industrialization. As a global pioneer in enzymatic catalytic ATP regeneration technology, our company advocates green production and is committed to providing customers with better and more environmentally friendly products and services. Glutathione Manufacturer,NMN Factory,Citicoline Sodium supplier,China NMN manufacturers

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