NAD+ is a new anti-aging way for stars to chase sticks - Knowledge

NAD+ is a new anti-aging way for stars to chase sticks

Sep 18, 2024 / Author: China Glutathione suppliers & NMN manufacturers

Senescence refers to the process by which cells irreversibly stop dividing. Unrepaired DNA damage or cellular stress can induce senescence. The popular definition of aging is the process of gradual degradation of physiological functions with the increase of age;

The external manifestation is the physical change caused by the loss of muscle and bone, and the internal manifestation is the decrease of basic metabolism and immune function.

Aging is a natural law, but through scientific means, delaying the aging process will become a reality.

The secret of delaying aging NAD+

NAD+ is a key molecule that is ubiquitous in all human cells. As an indispensable cofactor of Sirtuins proteases and CD38 polymerase, NAD+ participates in and promotes the REDOX reaction.

NAD+ plays a central role in cellular energy metabolism, directly or indirectly regulating a variety of key cellular functions. In short, without the involvement of NAD+, the cells will have difficulty producing the energy they need, leading to cell loss of vitality and the risk of apoptosis.

After long-term in-depth research, the mechanism of NAD+ in the field of anti-aging is gradually clear. In particular, a review article on "The role of NAD+ in cell metabolism and aging" was published in nature reviews, a subsidiary of the authoritative scientific journal nature.

NAD+metabolism and its roles in cellular processes during ageing

In this paper, the important functions of NAD+ in cellular metabolic pathway, DNA repair mechanism, cellular immune regulation and aging process are comprehensively described, which provides a new perspective and ideas for anti-aging research.

NAD+ is essential for overall health and balance, and is involved in metabolism, REDOX, DNA maintenance and repair, gene stability, epigenetic regulation, and more.

Role and efficacy of NAD+

A decline in NAD+ is associated with many of the common signs of aging, such as a slowing metabolism, low energy, and low energy levels, and an increased risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, stroke, Parkinson's disease, and osteoporosis.

01 can affect the activity of longevity factor Sirtuins and inhibit aging

Longevity factors Sirtuins, also known as "gene guardians," play a crucial role in maintaining cell health. Sirtuins are a family of enzymes involved in cellular stress response and damage repair.

NAD+ is the fuel that helps Sirtuins maintain genome integrity and promotes DNA repair, just as DNA+ levels in the body activate regulatory proteins and extend lifespan.

02 can improve sleep quality

Sleep is linked to immunity, so age-related declines in sleep quality may contribute to the development of age-related diseases.

Current drugs for insomnia can temporarily alleviate the problem, but often have side effects, such as lethargy and weight gain, so anti-aging NAD+ has become the first research object.

In a paper published in the American Journal of Translational Medicine, they conducted a clinical trial on 58 middle-aged and older adults:

It is proved that NAD can significantly shorten the time to fall asleep, increase the time of rapid eye movement and deep sleep, and improve sleep quality.

Clinical observation of the effect of nicotinamide mononucleotide on the improvement of insomnia

03 Prevention of polycystic ovary syndrome

In a study published in the journal Biology of Reproduction, researchers measured NAD+ levels, associated inflammatory cytokines, and mitochondrial function in granulosa cells in patients with polycystic ovarian complex, and found lower levels of NAD+ and significantly higher inflammatory cytokines and mitochondrial function abnormalities in the total ovarian capsule compared with controls.

By restoring the NAD+ level of granulosa cells in patients with polycystic ovary, mitochondrial dysfunction can be alleviated, and it can be used as a potential therapeutic target for polycystic ovary.

04 Molecular mechanism of delaying ovarian aging

A study published in early 2020 in the journal Cell Reports by researchers from Harvard Medical School and others showed that a decline in oocyte quality with age is accompanied by a significant reduction in levels of the metabolic factor NAD+.

By supplementing NAD+, the oocyte quality of elderly animals can be improved, ovarian function can be enhanced, and fertility can be restored.

Mouse oocytes

In the experiment, young female mice, two 13-month-old female mice, and one 13-month-old female mouse (13-month-old female mice, fertility has nearly disappeared) were injected with NMN for 10 days, and then the oocyte indexes of the three mice were comprehensively analyzed and compared.

How to scientifically supplement NAD+?

1. Supplement from food

Foods such as cabbage, cauliflower, avocados, mushrooms and edamame contain NAD+ precursors, which can be converted into active NAD+ in the body after consumption.

2. Supplement NAD+ precursor substances

Niacin (NA), niacinamide (NAM), and niacinamide mononucleotide (NMNQ) are all NAD+ precursor substances, which can be converted into NAD+ in the human body to increase its content, and the bioavailability is low due to the restriction of synthetic pathways and rate-limiting enzymes.

3. Directly supplement NAD+

Intravenous injection is the easiest way to directly obtain NAD+, NAD+ drip implementation has become a popular anti-aging way for many celebrities, we are familiar with the Hollywood stars Madonna, Rihanna and Lady GaGa have a monthly routine injection of this project.

Direct supplementation of NAD+ through intravenous injection can quickly restore NAD+ levels in the body, so that vital organs such as the heart and brain get more effective NAD+ supplementation, thereby activating multiple metabolic pathways and improving systemic system function.

NAD+ anti-aging and longevity agent has obtained FDA certification and passed the Japanese Health and labor safety test report, which can be used as a long-term health supplement. The main component is "niacinamide mononucleotide", which is a B vitamin substance naturally produced in the human body.

Nicotinamide mononucleotides are absorbed into the body, repair damaged DNA, help the body improve metabolism, promote cell recovery, strengthen the immune system, and reduce the risk in people with low immunity.

NAD+ anti-aging 4 advantages

(1) Fast absorption: NAD+ high-concentration drops can bypass the gastrointestinal digestive process and reach the effective concentration in plasma faster, thus playing a faster role.

(2) High stability: maintain a relatively stable concentration of NAD+ in the blood, avoiding concentration fluctuations caused by factors such as stomach acid during oral administration.

(3) Solving problems: gastrointestinal problems, NAD+ high-concentration drip better and faster to solve the problem.

(4) Good effect: the high concentration of NAD+ drops avoids the degradation of NAD+ by stomach acid, so that it can be retained to a greater extent.

Tag: NAD+, NAD

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