New research from Harvard University shows that NMN can extend the life span of naturally aging mice - Knowledge

New research from Harvard University shows that NMN can extend the life span of naturally aging mice

Sep 19, 2024 / Author: China Glutathione suppliers & NMN manufacturers

One of the first studies to explore the effects of long-term NMN treatment on rodent lifespan showed that NMN extended the lifespan of female mice by 8.5%.

New research from Harvard University shows that NMN can extend the life span of naturally aging mice


  • NMN increased the lifespan of female mice by 8.5%, but did not extend the lifespan of male mice, possibly because female mice have a stronger ability to metabolize NMN.

  • NMN improved the health of both male and female mice.

  • NMN increases the number of beneficial gut bacteria, which are also abundant in the guts of people who live to 100.

Professor David Sinclair last year teased the new finding in his lab at Harvard that "NMN extends the life span of mice."

Now, Sinclair's latest research reveals the details: NMN can extend the lifespan of female mice, but not male mice.

In the study, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, male and female mice were given about 550 mg/kg of NMN daily in drinking water starting at 13 months of age.

For this experiment, Sinclair's team used C57BL/6 mice, a strain of mice widely used by scientists. Interestingly, female C57BL/6 mice are known to live shorter lives than male C57BL/7 mice.

Still, NMN treatment extended the average lifespan of female mice by 8.5% and the maximum lifespan by 7.9%.

Although NMN did not increase tumor burden, female mice still showed more tumors than male mice.

The authors note that the increased incidence of tumors may lead to a shorter lifespan for C57BL/6 females.

The researchers found that NMN metabolism is greater in women than in men, which may be why NMN extends women's lifespan but not men's.

NMN can improve health

When it comes to healthy lifespan - the amount of time spent in good health, especially in middle and old age - both men and women benefit from NMN.

Improvements in NMN observed in men include:

  • ● Improves blurred vision

  • ● Reduce abdominal swelling

  • ● Keep hair and skin healthy

  • ● Stable respiratory rate

Improvements in NMN observed in women include:

  • ● Better skin and hair health

  • ● Reduce the risk of hunchback

  • ● Relieves tailbone stiffness

In middle-aged (18 months and 24 months) male mice, NMN prevented weight gain by reducing fat mass and increasing lean meat mass, as measured by DEXA imaging (DEXA is used to measure bone mineral density and fat accumulation).

After analyzing disease in 17 tissues, it was found that the kidneys of female mice treated with NMN were inflamed, and NMN did not significantly alter grip strength in either men or women.

NMN can improve gut bacteria

NMN has previously been shown to reduce harmful gut bacteria and increase beneficial gut bacteria in C57BL/6 mice.

Sinclair's team recently found that NMN-treated mice had increased levels of a beneficial bacterial species, Anaerotruncus colihominis, in their guts.

Intestinal Escherichia coli (Gut A. colihominis) has been shown to suppress brain inflammation in mice and is also increased in the gut of centenarians who live to 100 years and beyond.

These findings suggest that NMN can improve healthy lifespan by increasing the number of E. coli bacteria in the gut and possibly extending lifespan.

Can NMN guarantee the health of 88% of Americans?

NMN supplements appear to have health effects on almost every organ system.

For example, NMN counteracted bone loss in mouse models of osteoporosis, reversed cardiovascular dysfunction in older mice and middle-aged adults, improved metabolism in overweight middle-aged adults, and alleviated dementia symptoms in mouse models of Alzheimer's disease.

In fact, only 12% of the U.S. population is metabolically healthy, and given that NMN improves cell metabolism, supplementing with NMN may improve the health of the remaining 88% of unhealthy Americans.


Kane, Alice E. and Chellappa, Karthikeyani and S, M and Arnold, Matthew and Li, Jien and Amorim, Joao A. and Diener, Christian and Zhu, Dantong and Mitchell, Sarah J. and Griffin, Patrick and Tian, Xiao and Petty, Christopher and Conway, Ryan J. and Walsh, Katie and Shelerud, Lukas and Duesing, Charlotte and Mueller, Amber and Li, Karlin and McNamara, Maeve S. and Shima, Rafaella T. and Mitchell, James R. and Bonkowski, Michael S. and De Cabo, Rafael and Gibbons, Sean and Wu, Lindsay and Ikeno, Yuji and Baur, Joseph A. and Rajman, Luis A. and Sinclair, David A., Long-Term NMN Treatment Increases Lifespan and Healthspan in Mice in a Sex Dependent Manner.

Tag: NMN

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