Effects of NMN Supplements on Exercise - Knowledge

Effects of NMN Supplements on Exercise

Jul 11, 2023 / Author: China Glutathione suppliers & NMN manufacturers

The full name of NMN is "β-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide", which is a naturally occurring biologically active nucleotide, which is widely involved in many biochemical reactions in the human body and is closely related to immunity and metabolism. NMN is the direct precursor of NAD+. Supplementing NMN can effectively increase the level of NAD+ in the body, thereby delaying, improving, and preventing various aging-related phenotypes, or age-induced metabolic disorders, senile diseases, etc.

According to research by the American College of Sports Medicine, our muscle strength will decline by 15% to 20% every 10 years from the age of 50.

Yamauchi of the University of Tokyo and colleagues published a non-peer-reviewed journal article in Research Square showing that oral administration of 250 mg of NMN per day in men over 65 significantly increased NAD+ levels and improved muscle performance.

According to Yamauchi and colleagues, supplementation of 250 mg/d NMN over 12 weeks in healthy elderly men was safe and well tolerated. Long-term oral administration of NMN may be an effective strategy for the prevention of age-related muscle diseases.

To find out whether NMN-induced increases in NAD+ levels would improve physical performance, the researchers tested muscle strength and vital markers.

They found that NMN significantly improved muscle strength and several metrics: walking speed, grip strength, and the number of standing up from a chair in 30 seconds. This suggests that oral NMN supplementation for 12 weeks improves muscle strength and performance in healthy older men.

According to Yamauchi and colleagues, an exploratory analysis of the effects of NMN supplementation on physiological function shows that NMN improves muscle strength, an important clinical indicator of aging. Healthy aging benefits that NMN has seen in animals will translate to humans.

Not long ago, studies have also shown that oral NMN can improve the aerobic capacity of adult runners and reduce the consumption of oxygen by muscles.

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More importantly, NMN also enhanced the ability of skeletal muscle to use oxygen to generate energy during endurance exercise, suggesting that NMN may improve exercise endurance by enhancing skeletal muscle oxygen utilization.

When comparing high NMN supplementation doses to runners who trained without NMN, the improvement in oxygen uptake and utilization to produce energy was most pronounced. Medium (600 mg/day) and high (1200 mg/day) NMN doses produced more significant gains in oxygen utilization capacity compared to lower doses (300 mg/day).

These findings suggest that higher doses of NMN supplementation combined with training can stimulate significant improvements in oxygen utilization.

NMN as an adjunct therapy may help improve performance during exercise training, and exercise training combined with NMN supplementation may be a novel and practical strategy to improve endurance performance in athletes.

Tag: NMN

Supplier Introduction: China glutathione supplier and NMN manufacturer GSHworld, the company mainly develops biotechnology and industrialization. As a global pioneer in enzymatic catalytic ATP regeneration technology, our company advocates green production and is committed to providing customers with better and more environmentally friendly products and services. Glutathione Manufacturer,NMN Factory,Citicoline Sodium supplier,China NMN manufacturers

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